Course Schedule


Date TopicBefore Class (homework due that class day)In-Class Resources
Week 1
Day 1 Introductions Review the course syllabus
Class Foundations Stations — Activity Link for Teachers
Week 2
Day 2 What is Creative Nonfiction?Read
1. Edward Hoagland “Essay: What I think, What I am” from the New York Times
2. Cynthia Ozick “She: portrait of the essay as a warm body” from The Atlantic
–> Reading Question: Compare how Hoagland and Ozick describe the essay.

Bring in (physically) example of Nonfiction writing you like
Invention Exercise: switch around examples of CNF. Write after the section you have in front of you.
Day 3 Choice Session Read Lee Gutkind “The 5 R’s of Creative Nonfiction” from Creative Nonfiction
–> Reading Question: Find and explain the 5 r’s in your own words

Review: optional course themes Link
–> Reading Question: What 4 themes interest you the most? Write this down and be ready to discuss in class.
As well, if you have theme or reading ideas, please be ready to discuss those in class.

Theme 1: Home

DateTopicBefore Class (homework due that class day)In-Class Resources
Week 3
Day 4Familiar Objects Read: Karen Babine’s “Odd Objects: In Praise of the Wunderkammer” from Brevity

Reading Options Choose 2:
1. Carmen Maria Machado “Household object: taxidermied aliigator head, $20.00” from The Believer
2. Aleida Rodriguez “My mother in two photographs” from In Short: A collection of Brief Creative Nonfiction”
3. Cynthia Ozick “The Shock of Teapots” from In Short: A collection of brief Creative nonfiction
–>Reading Question: How do the authors take the objects they are describing from relatable to relevant?

3. Bring in: a picture of something in your home.
Invention Exercise: Describe an object in your home (1-2 paragraphs)
Day 5 House Read:
1. Beth Kephart “House as Home: Writing the Places that Raised us” from Brevity

2. Toi Derricotte “Beds” from Creative Nonfiction
–>Reading Question: How does Derricotte protray “Home” in her essay? Why?
Invention Exercise: Write about Home (1-2 paragraphs)
Week 4
Day 6Neighborhood Read:
Amy Brill “Finding Community at a Queens Bodega” from Electric Literature
Elisabeth Geier “Pedestrian” from Electric Literature
–> Reading Question: decided by group 1
Student Craft Talk 1

Invention Exercise: Write about a place in your neighborhood (1-2 paras)
Day 7Workshop Read: Meredith Quinn “How to be a good writing workshop participant” from Writer Mag
Read: Beth Nguyen “Unsilencing the workshop” from LitHub

–>Reading Question: What part of workshop do you feel most confident about? What worries you the most?

Bring in: Peer Review Response Worksheet Link (always bring in on workshop days).

Submit/Bring in: Theme 1 Messy Draft (1-2 pages) with cover letter
Creation of Class Workshop guidelines

One-on-One Workshops

Theme 2

DateTopicBefore Class (homework for that class day)In-Class Resources
Week 5
Day 8
Day 9
Week 6
Day 10Student Craft Talk 2
Day 11Workshop Submit/Bring in: Theme 2 Messy Draft (1-2 pages) with cover letter3 person Workshops

Theme 3

DateTopicBefore Class (homework for that class day)In-Class Resources
Week 7
Day 12
Day 13
Week 8
Day 14Student Craft Talk 3
Day 15Workshop Submit/Bring in: Theme 3 Messy Draft (1-2 pages) with cover lettertwo-on-two Workshops

Theme 4

DateTopicBefore Class (homework for that class day)In-Class Resources
Week 9
Day 16
Day 17
Week 10
Day 18Student Craft Talk 4
Day 19Workshop Submit/Bring in: Theme 4 Messy Draft (1-2 pages) with cover letter5 person workshops

Theme 5

DateTopicBefore Class (homework for that class day)In-Class Resources
Week 11
Day 20
Day 21
Week 12
Day 22Student Craft Talk 5
Day 23Workshop Submit/Bring in: Theme 5 Messy Draft (1-2 pages) with cover letter three-on-three workshops


Assignment: One Revised Draft of Theme 1-5 messy draft (3-4 pages) and Cover Letter

Date Topic Before ClassIn-Class Resources
Week 13
Day 24 Workshop Read and Comment in-Progress draftsClass split in two groups
Day 25 Workshop Read and Comment in-progress draftsClass split in two groups
Week 14
Day 26 Workshop Read and Comment in-progress draftsClass split in two groups
Day 27 Workshops Read and Comment in-progress draftsClass split in two groups


Date TopicBefore ClassIn-Class Resources
Week 15
Day 28Literary Magazines and Journals Find A Lit Mag/Journal that you like. Click here for places to look.

“Like” here means that you like to read it and would like to see yourself published in it.

Write down details about what kind of writing they publish and their submission instructions.

Bring this information to class.
Final Exams Week
TBA Open Mic Submit Transformed Draft and Cover Letter